HuroCup category information
The following rules and regulations are general rules of HuroCup, a robotic game and robotics benchmark problem for humanoid robots. The HuroCup competition emphasizes the development of flexible, robust, and versatile robots that can perform many different tasks in different domains. HuroCup encourages research into the many areas of humanoid robotics, especially walking and balancing, complex motion planning, and human-robot interaction. In addition to the single events (e.g., archery, sprint, marathon, united soccer, obstacle run, long jump, spartan
- HuroCup Kid (Sprint)
- HuroCup Kid (Weightlifting)
- HuroCup Kid (Lift & Carry)
- HuroCup Kid (Basketball)
- HuroCup Kid (Triple Jump)
- HuroCup Kid (Marathon)
- HuroCup Kid (Archery)
- The game is played using humanoid robots. The maximum size of the robots is $H. The maximum weight of the robot is $G.
- There are one category of robots (kid size) depending on their height and the maximum foot dimension.
- The height $H of the robot is defined as the maximum distance between any part of the robot, excluding its arms, and the ground when the robot is fully extended.
- The maximum foot dimension $D is defined as the maximum distance of any two points on any foot of the robot. Some examples are shown in the Fig. Max. Foot Dimension.
- The length of the arms must be limited such that they cannot reach below the knees when the robot is in a standing posture.
- The robot must be limited in its kinematics to actions that are equivalent to human kinematics.
- The sensors on the robot must be equivalent to the human senses of sight, sound, touch, hearing, taste, proprioception, balance, and acceleration.
- All sensors must be passive, that is they are not allowed to emit signals such as infrared, ultrasound, or laser pulses.
- The mode of locomotion of the robot must be bipedal walking or running.
- Each robot must have the ability to fully independent locomotion, sensing, and processing. That is, all actuators, motors, power, computing, and sensing mechanisms must be incorporated into the robot.
- Each robot must be fully autonomous, that is, it must perform its own control decisions.
- Robots may use black and white coloring without restriction. Other colors may be used so long as they are deemed by the rules committee to be sufficiently different from reserved colors, specifically ball yellow, marker red and marker blue.
- A robot must not have in its construction anything that is dangerous to itself, another robot, human operators, or spectators.
- Unless otherwise specified by the rules of the event, all participants in the FIRA Youth category must bring their robots in parts, that is maximally disassembled.. The participants must reassemble their robots without help at the start of the competition. Note that participants in the HuroCup Youth competition are exempt from this rule and do not need to disassemble their robots.
- In the event of an infringement of this law:
- play must be stopped,
- the offending robot as identified by the referee must be removed from the playing field by its handler,
- the robot may then be repaired and the fault identified by the referee may be corrected by the team (play will continue during this time),
- the repaired robot may not re-enter the field without the referee’s permission,
- the referee verifies that the fault has been repaired before allowing the robot to re-enter the field,
- the robot may only re-enter the field during a stoppage in play.

Noor Azizah Binti Mat Isa (PSAS)
Mohd Fitri Bin Basiran (PPD)
Shaifol Ifrad Bin Ibrahim (PUO)
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